Out West Adventure


I have always prided myself on not turning down a chance for adventure. You can bet I’ll be the first in line to try a new food, check out a hobby shop in town, or pile in the car for a spontaneous road trip. When I found Brie, otherwise known as @loki_toki on Instagram, I knew I had found a kindred spirit.

This Oregon cowgirl, artist, and businesswoman (@lbarrowcinchco) is all about exploring and documenting her adventures through photography, with a couple of horses and a dog in tow. While sleeping under the stars isn’t usually my calling, I would gladly snooze with the mosquitoes for a night of mountainous views like the ones Brie’s been able to capture and share.

If you don’t think traveling mountains with some animals and a bedroll is impressive, get ready to have your socks blown clear off your feet! Brie personally breaks and trains all of her own horses to take on these adventures so that they are fully prepared to handle a long day of mountainous terrain and scenery.

All this nature talk has me itching to go on another adventure. BRB (be right back), buying my ticket to Oregon to go horseback riding through the mountains. Care to join?

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