South Central By Horse


In recent years, the Compton Cowboys have grown in notoriety as they work to bring positive, western lifestyle ideals to a city whose identity is often strife with violence and stereotypes.

At first glance you will no doubt be drawn to the uniqueness of these cowboys on horseback meandering through the side streets and empty lots of L.A..  You'll likely think its a bit of farce and like most of L.A. just a show without substance. 

However, this group of young men work hard to be the opposite of fake, taking pride day in and day out, living the life authentically from top to bottom. But its more then just dressing the part, its also about embodying respect for themselves and their horses. Inline with this pride, the group runs programs for local kids that introduces them to the care and attention it takes to tend to these beautiful animals. Their goal is to teach responsibility, while also offering a pathway for young people to expand their perspective on the world.

Boot Barn has done a tremendous job supporting this group. More details can be found here.

Also, be sure to check out their Instagram feed as shown below.

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